Welcome Visitors

strict digraph {rankdir=LR node [style=filled fillcolor=lightgrey penwidth=.5 color=white fontname="verdana"] "Welcome Visitors" node [style=filled fillcolor=white] node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=red] node [style="filled,rounded,dotted" fillcolor=white] edge [style=dotted] "Nock" -> "Welcome Visitors" "Technical Editor" -> "Welcome Visitors" }

This idea can fit so much scaling in it. See Cunningham's Law

Peers share pages independent of a governing authority. A single-page browser application can read from many sites at once and attribute them to a single origin.

Ideally we write a docker compose files to automate deployment, but I'm just the maintainer here


This site extends the markup of the UCLA Graduate Division Application with the Federated Wiki.

ucla.viki.wiki chess.viki.wiki notnick.viki.wiki exit.viki.wiki

Writing on wiki is like getting on a train. When you get on you don't know where you're going and when you get off you don't know where you've been.

Routinely assess the degree that pages meet the expected structure of 6 paragraphs and 3 outbound links.

Here we inspect a small collection of general purpose probes developed coincident with the survey mechanisms.


You can edit your copy of these pages. This leaves us with plenty of time left over for gardening, planting federated governance amongst the pineapples.

DOOM's hierarchy of visibility unfolds as to compete with human resource allocation in real time. The game engine can store anything. When you have a bunch of interconnected objects, you can track them on an index and reference each by its location instead of having to render it in CPU. Each pathway through gamespace unfolds as a hierarchy of visibility that shifts with each image generation.

Duchamp, who was well known for having said “There is no solution, because there is no problem,” designed a Chess endgame with no solution for an exhibition at Julien Levy Gallery called "Through the Big End of the Opera Glass".

Welcome to viki.wiki! I wanted to preserve the date of actual creation rather than that of second or third thoughts. There is a very loud amusement park inside my browser.